
Address: Tong Jing North Road, Suzhou City, Granville 26 - No. 6, 509 (Saionji is the opposite)
Tel: 0512-57822958
Contact: Mr. Ji
E-mail: jzq1949@126.com loner@ruiyaw.com
URL: www.dotspacestudio.com
Social responsibility
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    Ruiya as a responsible company, deeply aware of Rhea Rhea on making profits and shareholders ' interests at the same time, also bear social responsibility to employees, society and the environment, including:
    1, to comply with ethical business, with integrity to provide our customers with quality, safe and secure, but satisfactory products and services for happy users added.
    2, for the benefit of employees, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers, to ensure production safety and occupational health, so that employees and stakeholders to live and work.
    3, creating wealth for society (such as taxes, jobs, etc) for the weak warmth.
    4, leading the development of the industry, as the industry vertical bar.
    5, a national brand, is an ornament for the country.
    6, for a human being to protect the environment and conserve resources.
    7, and as an important social unit cells, required for the traditional national culture, and spirit for their heirs.
    8, win profits for shareholders.
We will take the following measures to achieve these social responsibilities:
    1, environmental and security objectives and policies, and to measure our performance against these goals on a regular basis;
    2, for the leadership and staff of the institutions on the environment and safety is responsible for the performance of legal compliance and enforcement;
    3, the education and training of managers, officers and employees, to help them understand their environmental and safety responsibilities;
    4, with the interests of our employees, neighbors, the Government and other partners on environmental and safety issues for open communication.

Environmental management
    In response to the global movement for environmental protection, promote sustainable development, Rhea is committed to sustainable development projects of the company, function, process and evaluate equipment, is committed to continuous improvement and pollution prevention, and to minimize our impact on the environment.

Environmental policy
    Compliance, pollution prevention, process improvements, energy saving;
    Green, environmentally friendly plant; full participation and continuous improvement

Environmental objectives
    Noise: reach level II criteria of the standard of noise at boundary of industrial enterprises
    Power: "monthly sales amount/month power consumption" than in the same period decreased by 3%

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Address: Tong Jing North Road, Suzhou City, Granville 26 - No. 6, 509 (Saionji is the opposite)
Tel: 0512-57822958    Contact: Mr. Ji    E-mail: jzq1949@126.com loner@ruiyaw.com    URL: www.dotspacestudio.com     Tech support:ONESC